I've been working on my bridge quilt in all my spare time [insert really sarcastic tone]. I should say attempting to make time at every possible opportunity - like no down time, no naps, just bridge. You see, I've missed the first deadline. It was an early group deadline, and I still have time before it is actually missed, but somewhere in the back of my mind I feel I let the group down - there are also others in the group that aren't finished, but I still feel that way.
If you don't remember the bridge, click
here. The original due date was November, hahaha, that was extended to February. Yep, and I still didn't make it, see why I feel bad?
Turning edges... millions of them!
Painting neon letters
Spelling words
Trashing manicures
More painting
Trying to figure out how to attach the letters
Well, that worked!
Placing pieces on the background
Stitching those edges down (miles and miles and miles)
This happened way too many times!
Stitching down the leather pieces and letters were just popping off.
Making the neon edges glow a wee bit more.
Okay, looks pretty good.
Loaded on the Gammill and waiting for me.
Ditching the edges with black (what was I thinking -- do you know how many edges there are?)
So in the last bridge post, you'll remember I said sometimes quilts go through a period of dislike? Yeah, I'm there. So there. My heart isn't in this project anymore. I'm not sure what happened, or exactly when it happened, but I'm just not *feeling it* anymore. I'm still going to finish it, I've just become emotionally separated from it. And yes, I'm still hoping that during the quilting process *it* comes back - I truly want to feel strongly about every quilt I make, I don't want to just produce them, I want to create them. I hope that makes sense.
So, the next time you see this quilt, it'll be finished - and fingers crossed I love it again!