In case you've never seen Outta the Loop - here are a few pictures:
For those that don't know about this quilt, Eyvonne pieced this beauty and I quilted it. You can read about the history of Loop here and here. This quilt holds a very deep place in my heart, as you can see by my label (and read in the previous posts):
The labels are really cool -- mine is a tracing of my left hand (I'm a lefty) and Eyvonne's a tracing of her right hand (yep, she's a righty). Loop is truly one of my favorite quilts, it has a little piece of me stitched in there, with more than a few tears.
So as if all that wasn't enough awesomeness for today. Fedex returned my quilts from Quilt Odyssey. I opened the box to put them away and OMG, there's a ribbon. Really? Because I didn't even know I had won a ribbon. The Thing with Feathers won an Honorable Mention!
I must say, with all the trials I've had over the past week with True Colors (aka White Lines), it's really nice to have a bunch of awesomeness thrown in!
Congratulations. I will look for it this week