Today is November 25, 2021... it is Thanksgiving.
I hope all of you are having a wonderful day.
We're not celebrating until Saturday... when everyone can be home (work schedules are sometimes crazy here). So until then I'll get to drool over everyone's fb food posts (and maybe snag an awesome new recipe or two).
I have no clue where September, October, OR November went?!! Well, really I do, but it feels impossible that I haven't posted since the end of July. Soooooo much has been happening over here. I guess I'll just start the catch up, which may or may not be quilty - I'm sure pics will be so much better than words (and it might refresh my memory a little too) - feel free to grab a cuppa as I think it might be a long one (and totally not in chronological order... that's just too much to ask).
The studio has a new ceiling fan. I know... whoa that's exciting. But really, it is!
Then there was tons of class prep... powerpoints, samples, fabric cutting...
I've been working on my latest book (and no, it is still not finished) - here is your only peek. It will be a sourcebook for all things sashing.
So... let's talk travel...
between the middle of September and the middle of November I travelled four times... yes 4 -- that is like traveling every two weeks!
So back in September there was an awesome Gammill retreat in Hershey, PA. I got to see my mom and sis and we all spent the day at Hershey Park... so much fun! Then in October I had some educator travel stuff, which was great because I got to see my Gammill peeps! Then at the end of October was Houston Festival -- I taught 5 class but it was oh so much fun! Then some more educator travel in November (again peeps) and now it's now... no wonder my schedule has slide into the next month! So -- here's some pics (in no particular order)
Why yes, that is a winter coat... brrrrr?!!!!
Did you every try teaching in a mask with a microphone... it sounds a lot like Charlie Brown's teacher... these face shields made a big difference in students being able to hear while I was up in the front of the classroom!
classroom nicely spaced out for social distancing
Ooh... I also created two new rulers specifically for borders.
They are so cool - and yes, they come with directions! They debuted at Houston and were supposed to be on the website as soon as I returned... soon, they will be posted soon! But here's a peek at what they do:

A couple of projects from my challenge group:

Ahhh... the new Gammill Professional Bobbin Winder... you have no idea how happy this little (but mighty) piece of equipment makes me! This new bobbin winder is the bomb! Super fast, perfect bobbins, and ultra quiet!
When I returned from Houston we started another tile project... right? How could there possibly be any more tile to do? Just wait...
The patio! Yep, demo was the worst... and yes we had to scoop tiny little tile pieces out of the pool - tile flies everywhere! We also needed to have the pool table disassembled (its currently living in the family room waiting for reassembly and refelting). So more on this later...
And... NEW FEET!!! Yes, the Approach Foot System by Gammill was waiting for me when I returned from my last travel event. They are awesome -- well worth the wait! Here's a little unboxing video I did
So in all that time I also managed to quilt five client quilts... not my normal but very good considering I was traveling so much! You can see them over on the client work blog.
And I also squeezed in a few minutes on my Squash Blossom quilt... which is currently at a stand still as I'm torn between continuing the hand applique (slow) or switching to machine applique to get things done... also... I need to switch out one of the colors and not sure which direction I want to go with it... dilemma, right? Again, more on this later!
I think I've covered it all... enjoy your day with family, friends, and good food!