I'm teaching a bunch of lecture classes, an exclusive-to-MQX design class, as well as a couple of hands-on classes. Don't worry, I'll explain more in a bit.
So... lectures. Yeah, these are more design and draw classes. If you know me, you know I can't just stand in front of class and talk... haha, I can talk, but I can't speak... if that makes any sense - I like to keep it more personable. I like to share, so we'll draw and demo, and draw and demo, and you, the students, totally participate. This isn't a sit-back-and-listen for two hours kinda thing - that's not me, well, unless you're really tired, then maybe okay.
The lecture/demos I'll be teaching are:

Build-A-Stitch - In Build-A-Stitch we start with a very basic stitch and then add one element at a time. This class is great for beginners as well as those wanting to move from pantos to free motion. The technique improves muscle-memory all while increasing confidence. By the end of class, you'll have a full library of go-to stitches! Bring a notebook and a pen for practice!
Scrollwork - Scrolls... so much more than just sashing fillers! We'll cover several variations of a basic scroll and then move on to using them in blocks as well as all overs. There will be lost of curly, scrolly fun all while adding a bunch of scroll options to your go-to stitch library. Bring a notebook and a pen for practice!
Spunky Funky Feathers - Formal feathers? Not in this class! I'll share a bunch of super fun, no backtrack, whimsical, and creative feathers. They definitely aren't traditional, but they sure are fun and fill space rather quickly. Also, you might not know it, but this is the class that started the idea for my newest book, Fast Forward Feathers (in the book there's 160+ of them). Again, bring a notebook and a pen for practice!
Functional Fills - Fills are fantastic, fun, and functional too! Whether filling oodles of empty space or accentuating beautiful applique, fills are a very necessary part of quilting. In this class, I'll share many of my favorite background fills, including my signature fan fill, as well as combining fills for maximum effect. I'll also cover density and scale of various designs and when to know which to use. Bring that notebook and pen for practice!!
Now on to the hands-on classes - I have two, and yes, at MQX it is one student per machine so there will be no time waiting to stitch!
Pop Those Lines - Using straight and curved edge rulers and some amazing background fills on a custom-printed panel, I'll share how to make your ruler work pop! You will take basic ruler work to the next level as well as learn some unique ruler ideas. Straight edge and curved longarm rulers are required – bring your favorites; I will have my rulers available for purchase.
Breaking Down the Block - What a fun class this is! I'll share several stitch path variations of several common blocks using only one start and stop. You'll then have the opportunity to stitch your favorite version of each block on a custom printed panel. Maybe you'll even add your own flair to each block making it uniquely your own! You'll get so many design ideas in class that what to quilt on samplers will be a thing of the past!
This is a spin-off of my Block Breakdown series with Gammill -- and no, not a single repeat!! Since so many people love the series I thought bringing it into a class would be the next best thing!
Now, the exclusive design class. It is Part 2 of the Dyeing to Cut It class. In Part 1 you'll be learning how to do some amazing dyes with Cindy Lohbeck of Hands on Hand Dye (one of my dear friends). Then you'll do all the rinsing, washing, drying, etc. Next will be Part 2 where I'll be sharing how to take these awesome dyes and cut them up into wonderful pieces to create this (no, it's not yet quilted - I'll share that pic soon):
This class was a brainchild of Cindy and me- I had taken her mini mandala dye class and then created my latest quilt, Andromeda Crossing. When Andromeda Crossing won 1st Place at MQX MidWest, Cindy and I started thinking... so many people take her dye class and are apprehensive to cut the fabrics. Yes, they are beautiful on their own, but can also be chopped up into even more beautiful things! Why is everyone so afraid to cut up dyes? We do it every day with regular fabrics... let me help you with that cut-the-dye-fear! So here's a peek at Andromeda Crossing - the quilt that started the class idea:
Yes, this quilt is a massive 83x83 with a lot of detail - the design we'll construct in class is approximately 45 square with a little less detail - but that doesn't mean you have to stop. Once you're home you can continue cutting and creating even more!
So... that's my scheduled week at MQX -- who will I see? Hope you can join me for a class, or two, or possibly more!